6  Systematic review and meta-analysis of Real-World Evidence


Dimitris Mavridis

University of Ioannina

Thomas Debray

Smart Data Analysis and Statistics B.V.

6.1 Introduction

We first load the required packages


6.2 Pairwise meta-analysis of clinical trials

6.2.1 Toculizumab for coronavirus disease 2019

In this example, we consider the results from a systematic literature review of clinical trials investigating any pharmacological in hosptialized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (Selvarajan et al. 2022). A total of 23 randomized controlled trials were included and studied seven different interventions: dexamethasone, remdesivir, tocilizumab, hydroxychloroquine, combination of lopinavir/ritonavir, favipiravir and interferon-β. We here focus on the synthesis of 7 trials that comparted toculizumab (TOCI) to standard care (STD) and collected mortality data.

studlab treat1 treat2 event1 n1 event2 n2
Hermine et al TOCI STD 7 63 8 67
Rosas et al TOCI STD 58 294 28 144
Salama et al TOCI STD 26 249 11 128
Salvarini et al TOCI STD 2 60 1 66
Stone et al TOCI STD 9 161 3 82
Veiga et al TOCI STD 14 65 6 64

We now conduct a pairwise meta-analysis to assess the pooled effect of tocilizumab versus standard care. For each study, the log odds ratio and corresponding standard error is derived after which the corresponding estimates are pooled using the Mantel-Haenszel method.

results.TOCI <- metabin(event1,n1,event2,n2,studlab,data=tocilizumab,
                        sm = "OR", main = "tocilizumab vs standard care", 
                        prediction = TRUE)
forest(results.TOCI, leftcols = "studlab", rightcols = "effect.ci")

Altough a random effects meta-analysis was conducted, no heterogeneity was found (\(\tau\)=0, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 0 to 0.85).

6.2.2 Remdesivir for coronavirus disease 2019

In aforementioned example, a total of 4 trials compared remdesivir to standard care:

6.3 Network meta-analysis of clinical trials

We here use the R packages netmeta for conducting a frequentist network meta-analysis. A detailed tutorial on the use of netmeta is available from the book Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide.

6.3.1 Interventions for coronavirus disease 2019

We here consider data from a study which aimed to assess the comparative effectiveness of remdesivir and tocilizumab for reducing mortality in hospitalised COVID-19 patients. 80 trials were identified from two published network meta-analyses (Selvarajan et al. 2022), (Siemieniuk et al. 2020), a living COVID-19 trial database (COVID-NMA Initiative) [Covid-NMA.com], and a clinical trial database [clinicaltrials.gov]. Trials were included in this study if the patient population included hospitalized COVID-19 patients, active treatment was remdesivir or tocilizumab, comparator treatment was placebo or standard care, short-term mortality data was available, and the trial was published. 21 trials were included. For included trials, a risk of bias score was extracted from the COVID-NMA Initiative.

studlab treat1 treat2 event1 n1 event2 n2
Ader REM STD 34 414 37 418
Beigel (ACTT-1) REM STD 59 541 77 521
Broman TOCI STD 1 57 0 29
Criner REM STD 4 384 4 200
Declerq (COV-AID) TOCI STD 10 81 9 74
Gordon (REMAP-CAP) TOCI STD 83 353 116 358
Hermine (CORIMUNO) TOCI STD 7 63 8 67
Horby (RECOVERY) TOCI STD 621 2022 729 2094
Islam REM STD 0 30 0 30
Mahajan REM STD 5 34 3 36
Pan (WHO Solidarity) REM STD 602 4146 643 4129
Rosas (COVACTA) TOCI STD 58 294 28 144
Rutgers TOCI STD 21 174 34 180
Salama (EMPACTA) TOCI STD 26 249 11 128
Salvarani TOCI STD 2 60 1 63
Soin (COVINTOC) TOCI STD 11 92 15 88
Spinner REM STD 5 384 4 200
Stone (BACC-BAY) TOCI STD 9 161 4 82
Talaschian TOCI STD 5 17 4 19
Veiga (TOCIBRAS) TOCI STD 14 65 6 64
Wang REM STD 22 158 10 78

The corresponding network is displayed below:

Evidence network of the 21 coronavirus-19 trials

We use the following command to calculate the log odds ratios and corresponding standard errors for each study:

covid <- pairwise(treat = treat, 
                  event = event, 
                  n = n, 
                  studlab = studlab, 
                  sm = "OR")
TE seTE studlab treat1 treat2 event1 n1 event2 n2 incr allstudies
-0.0819293 0.2483849 Ader REM STD 34 414 37 418 0.0 FALSE
-0.3483875 0.1851030 Beigel (ACTT-1) REM STD 59 541 77 521 0.0 FALSE
0.4487619 1.6487159 Broman TOCI STD 1 57 0 29 0.5 FALSE
-0.6620566 0.7125543 Criner REM STD 4 384 4 200 0.0 FALSE
0.0170679 0.4904898 Declerq (COV-AID) TOCI STD 10 81 9 74 0.0 FALSE
-0.4442338 0.1688337 Gordon (REMAP-CAP) TOCI STD 83 353 116 358 0.0 FALSE

Below, we conduct a random effects network meta-analysis where we consider standard care (STD) as the control treatment. Note that we have one study where zero cell counts occur, this study will not contribute to the NMA as the log odds ratio and its standard error cannot be determined.

NMA.covid <- netmeta(TE = TE, seTE = seTE, treat1 = treat1, treat2 = treat2,
                     studlab = studlab, data = covid, sm = "OR", ref = "STD",
                     comb.random = TRUE, common = FALSE, warn = FALSE)
Number of studies: k = 20
Number of pairwise comparisons: m = 20
Number of treatments: n = 3
Number of designs: d = 2

Random effects model

Treatment estimate (sm = 'OR', comparison: other treatments vs 'STD'):
         OR           95%-CI     z p-value
REM  0.8999 [0.8067; 1.0039] -1.89  0.0588
STD       .                .     .       .
TOCI 0.8301 [0.7434; 0.9268] -3.31  0.0009

Quantifying heterogeneity / inconsistency:
tau^2 = 0; tau = 0; I^2 = 0% [0.0%; 48.9%]

Tests of heterogeneity (within designs) and inconsistency (between designs):
                    Q d.f. p-value
Total           16.38   18  0.5663
Within designs  16.38   18  0.5663
Between designs  0.00    0      --

A league table of the treatment effect estimates is given below:

League table (random effects model):
                     REM 0.8999 [0.8067; 1.0039]                       .
 0.8999 [0.8067; 1.0039]                     STD 1.2047 [1.0789; 1.3451]
 1.0842 [0.9282; 1.2663] 1.2047 [1.0789; 1.3451]                    TOCI

We can also present the results in a forest plot:

We now consider a Bayesian random effects network meta-analysis that analyzes the observed event counts using a binomial link function.

bdata <- data.frame(study = studlab,
                    treatment = treat,
                    responders = event,
                    sampleSize = n)

network <- mtc.network(data.ab  = bdata)

model <- mtc.model(network,
                   likelihood = "binom",
                   link = "log",
                   linearModel = "random",
                   n.chain = 3)
# Adaptation
mcmc1 <- mtc.run(model, n.adapt = 1000, n.iter = 1000, thin = 10)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 42
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 45
   Total graph size: 930

Initializing model
# Sampling
mcmc2 <- mtc.run(model, n.adapt = 10000, n.iter = 100000, thin = 10)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 42
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 45
   Total graph size: 930

Initializing model

We can extract the pooled treatment effect estimates from the posterior distribution. When using STD as control group, we have:

summary(relative.effect(mcmc2, t1 = "STD"))

Results on the Log Risk Ratio scale

Iterations = 10010:110000
Thinning interval = 10 
Number of chains = 3 
Sample size per chain = 10000 

1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
   plus standard error of the mean:

              Mean      SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
d.STD.REM  -0.1069 0.09691 0.0005595      0.0008094
d.STD.TOCI -0.1120 0.08259 0.0004768      0.0008746
sd.d        0.1122 0.08815 0.0005089      0.0017902

2. Quantiles for each variable:

                2.5%      25%      50%      75%   97.5%
d.STD.REM  -0.314930 -0.16017 -0.10346 -0.04992 0.08408
d.STD.TOCI -0.259309 -0.16297 -0.11920 -0.06839 0.07738
sd.d        0.003287  0.04449  0.09368  0.15868 0.32866

The corresponding odds ratios are as follows:

Comparison 95% CrI
REM vs. STD 0.9 (0.73; 1.09)
TOCI vs. STD 0.89 (0.77; 1.08)
REM vs. TOCI 1.02 (0.75; 1.27)

Finally, we expand the COVID-19 network with trials investigating the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), lopinavir/ritonavir (LOPI), dexamethasone (DEXA) or interferon-\(\beta\) (INTB) (Selvarajan et al. 2022). The corresponding network is displayed below:

Evidence network of the 33 coronavirus-19 trials

We conducted a random effects network meta-analysis, results are depicted below:

Number of studies: k = 33
Number of pairwise comparisons: m = 33
Number of treatments: n = 7
Number of designs: d = 6

Random effects model

Treatment estimate (sm = 'OR', comparison: other treatments vs 'STD'):
         OR           95%-CI     z p-value            95%-PI
DEXA 0.8557 [0.7558; 0.9688] -2.46  0.0139  [0.7463; 0.9812]
HCQ  1.1809 [0.8934; 1.5610]  1.17  0.2428  [0.8786; 1.5872]
INTB 1.1606 [0.9732; 1.3841]  1.66  0.0973  [0.9604; 1.4026]
LOPI 1.0072 [0.8906; 1.1392]  0.11  0.9085  [0.8794; 1.1537]
REM  0.8983 [0.8014; 1.0070] -1.84  0.0658  [0.7913; 1.0199]
STD       .                .     .       .                 .
TOCI 0.8304 [0.7410; 0.9306] -3.20  0.0014  [0.7316; 0.9426]

Quantifying heterogeneity / inconsistency:
tau^2 = 0.0004; tau = 0.0205; I^2 = 0.6% [0.0%; 42.3%]

Tests of heterogeneity (within designs) and inconsistency (between designs):
                    Q d.f. p-value
Total           27.18   27  0.4543
Within designs  27.18   27  0.4543
Between designs  0.00    0      --

We can calculate the P score for each treatment as follows:

TOCI  0.9070
DEXA  0.8357
REM   0.7143
STD   0.4027
LOPI  0.3899
HCQ   0.1336
INTB  0.1166

6.3.2 Pharmacologic treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

In this example, we consider the resuls from a systematic review of randomized controlled trials on pharmacologic treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Baker, Baker, and Coleman 2009). The primary outcome, occurrence of one or more episodes of COPD exacerbation, is binary (yes / no). For this outcome, five drug treatments (fluticasone, budesonide, salmeterol, formoterol, tiotropium) and two combinations (fluticasone + salmeterol, budesonide + formoterol) were compared to placebo. The authors considered the two combinations as separate treatments instead of evaluating the individual components.

study year id treatment exac total
Llewellyn-Jones 1996 1996 1 Fluticasone 0 8
Llewellyn-Jones 1996 1996 1 Placebo 3 8
Boyd 1997 1997 2 Salmeterol 47 229
Boyd 1997 1997 2 Placebo 59 227
Paggiaro 1998 1998 3 Fluticasone 45 142
Paggiaro 1998 1998 3 Placebo 51 139
Baker <- pairwise(treat = treatment,
                  event = exac,
                  n = total,
                  studlab = id,
                  sm = "OR",
                  data = Baker2009)

NMA.COPD <- netmeta(TE = TE, seTE = seTE, treat1 = treat1, treat2 = treat2,
                    studlab = studlab, data = Baker, sm = "OR", ref = "Placebo",
                    comb.random = TRUE)
Warning: Comparisons with missing TE / seTE or zero seTE not considered in
network meta-analysis.
Comparisons not considered in network meta-analysis:
 studlab                 treat1     treat2 TE seTE
      39 Fluticasone+Salmeterol    Placebo NA   NA
      39 Fluticasone+Salmeterol Salmeterol NA   NA
      39             Salmeterol    Placebo NA   NA

We can test for local network inconsistency as follows:


By default, indirect estimates are derived using the back-calculation method. A comparison of direct and indirect treatment effect estimates (depicted as odds ratio) from the random effects network meta-analysis model is given in the table below:

comparison k nma direct indirect RoR p.RoR
Budesonide:Budesonide+Formoterol 2 1.20 1.20 745.35 0.00 0.28
Budesonide:Fluticasone 0 0.93 . 0.93 . .
Budesonide:Fluticasone+Salmeterol 0 1.07 . 1.07 . .
Budesonide:Formoterol 2 0.80 0.74 1.39 0.53 0.18
Budesonide:Placebo 2 0.80 0.85 0.52 1.63 0.33
Budesonide:Salmeterol 0 1.00 . 1.00 . .
Budesonide:Tiotropium 0 1.17 . 1.17 . .
Budesonide+Formoterol:Fluticasone 0 0.77 . 0.77 . .
Budesonide+Formoterol:Fluticasone+Salmeterol 0 0.89 . 0.89 . .
Budesonide+Formoterol:Formoterol 2 0.67 0.63 0.94 0.67 0.37
Budesonide+Formoterol:Placebo 2 0.67 0.72 0.39 1.83 0.21
Budesonide+Formoterol:Salmeterol 0 0.83 . 0.83 . .
Budesonide+Formoterol:Tiotropium 0 0.97 . 0.97 . .
Fluticasone:Fluticasone+Salmeterol 4 1.15 1.09 1.43 0.77 0.20
Fluticasone:Formoterol 0 0.86 . 0.86 . .
Fluticasone:Placebo 8 0.86 0.90 0.67 1.34 0.15
Fluticasone:Salmeterol 4 1.08 1.07 1.09 0.98 0.90
Fluticasone:Tiotropium 0 1.26 . 1.26 . .
Fluticasone+Salmeterol:Formoterol 0 0.75 . 0.75 . .
Fluticasone+Salmeterol:Placebo 6 0.75 0.80 0.67 1.19 0.23
Fluticasone+Salmeterol:Salmeterol 6 0.94 0.91 1.01 0.90 0.53
Fluticasone+Salmeterol:Tiotropium 1 1.09 1.14 1.08 1.05 0.77
Formoterol:Placebo 4 1.00 0.96 2.79 0.34 0.09
Formoterol:Salmeterol 0 1.25 . 1.25 . .
Formoterol:Tiotropium 1 1.46 4.20 1.39 3.03 0.07
Salmeterol:Placebo 15 0.80 0.79 0.85 0.93 0.65
Tiotropium:Placebo 12 0.69 0.70 0.63 1.11 0.50
Salmeterol:Tiotropium 3 1.17 1.14 1.18 0.96 0.80

6.3.3 Advanced Therapies for Ulcerative Colitis

In this example, we consider a systematic literature review of Phase 3 randomized controlled trials investigating the following advanced therapies: infliximab, adalimumab, vedolizumab, golimumab, tofacitinib, ustekinumab, filgotinib, ozanimod, and upadacitinib (Panaccione et al. 2023). This review included 48 RCTs, from which 23 were found eligible for inclusion in a network meta-analysis. The included RCT populations were largely comparable in their baseline characteristics, though some heterogeneity was noted in weight, disease duration, extent of disease, and concomitant medications. A risk of bias assessment showed a low risk of bias for all included RCTs, which were all industry sponsored.

We here focus on the synthesis of 18 trials that contributed efficacy data for induction in bio-naive populations. The following FDA- and/or EMA-approved biologic or SMD doses were investigated:

  • Adalimumab subcutaneous 160 mg at week 0, 80 mg at week 2, and 40 mg at week 4 (ADA160/80)
  • Infliximab intravenous 5 mg/kg (INF5) at weeks 0, 2, and 6 then every 8 weeks
  • Infliximab intravenous 10 mg/kg (INF10) at weeks 0, 2, and 6 then every 8 weeks
  • Filgotinib oral 100 mg once daily (FIL100)
  • Filgotinib oral 200 mg once daily (FIL200)
  • Golimumab subcutaneous 200 mg at week 0 and 100 mg at week 2 (GOL200/100)
  • Ozanimod oral 0.23 mg once daily for 4 days, 0.46 mg once daily for 3 days, then 0.92 mg once daily (OZA0.92)
  • Tofacitinib oral 10 mg twice daily for 8 weeks (TOF10)
  • Upadacitinib oral 45 mg once daily for 8 weeks (UPA45)
  • Ustekinumab intravenous 6 mg/kg at week 0 (UST6)
  • Vedolizumab intravenous 300 mg at weeks 0, 2, and 6 (VED300)

The reference treatment is placebo (PBO).

Efficacy outcomes (i.e., clinical remission) data of induction bio-naïve populations
studlab treat1 treat2 event1 n1 event2 n2
ACT-1 INF10 INF5 39 122 47 121
ACT-1 INF10 PBO 39 122 18 121
ACT-1 INF5 PBO 47 121 18 121
ACT-2 INF10 INF5 33 120 41 121
ACT-2 INF10 PBO 33 120 7 123
ACT-2 INF5 PBO 41 121 7 123
GEMINI 1 VED300 PBO 30 130 5 76
Japic CTI-060298 INF5 PBO 21 104 11 104
Jiang 2015 INF5 PBO 22 41 9 41
M10-447 ADA160/80 PBO 9 90 11 96
NCT01551290 INF5 PBO 11 50 5 49
NCT02039505 VED300 PBO 22 79 6 41
OCTAVE 1 TOF10 PBO 56 222 9 57
OCTAVE 2 TOF10 PBO 43 195 4 47
PURSUIT-SC GOL200/100 PBO 45 253 16 251
SELECTION FIL100 FIL200 47 277 60 245
SELECTION FIL100 PBO 47 277 17 137
SELECTION FIL200 PBO 60 245 17 137
TRUE NORTH OZA0.92 PBO 66 299 10 151
U-ACCOMPLISH UPA45 PBO 54 166 3 81
U-ACHIEVE Study 2 UPA45 PBO 41 145 4 72
ULTRA-1 ADA160/80 PBO 24 130 12 130
ULTRA-2 ADA160/80 PBO 32 150 16 145
UNIFI UST6 PBO 27 147 15 151

The corresponding network is displayed below:

Evidence network of 18 trials that contributed efficacy data for induction in bio-naive populations

Below, we conduct a random effects network meta-analysis of the reported study effects (expressed as odds ratio) and consider placebo (treat = "PBO") as the control treatment.

NMA.uc <- netmeta(TE = TE, seTE = seTE, treat1 = treat1, treat2 = treat2,
                  studlab = studlab, data = UlcerativeColitis, sm = "OR", 
                  ref = "PBO", common = FALSE, comb.random = TRUE)

All treatments except FIL100 and UST6 are significantly more efficacious than PBO at inducing clinical remission. We can now estimate the probabilities of each treatment being at each possible rank and the SUCRAs (Surface Under the Cumulative RAnking curve):

sucra.uc <- rankogram(NMA.uc, nsim = 100, random = TRUE, common = FALSE, 
                      small.values = "undesirable")

# Exctract the SUCRA values
 ADA160/80     FIL100     FIL200 GOL200/100      INF10       INF5    OZA0.92 
0.28090909 0.14363636 0.43272727 0.65454545 0.61727273 0.73727273 0.78909091 
       PBO      TOF10      UPA45       UST6     VED300 
0.01727273 0.37363636 0.98454545 0.37363636 0.59545455 

These results indicate that 98.5% of the evaluated treatments are worse than UPA45.

Version info

This chapter was rendered using the following version of R and its packages:

R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS 14.2.1

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib 
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib;  LAPACK version 3.11.0

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

time zone: Europe/Amsterdam
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] netmeta_2.8-2    meta_6.5-0       gemtc_1.0-2      coda_0.19-4     
[5] dplyr_1.1.4      kableExtra_1.3.4

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] magic_1.6-1         utf8_1.2.4          generics_0.1.3     
 [4] xml2_1.3.6          stringi_1.8.2       lattice_0.22-5     
 [7] lme4_1.1-35.1       digest_0.6.33       magrittr_2.0.3     
[10] evaluate_0.23       grid_4.3.0          mvtnorm_1.2-4      
[13] CompQuadForm_1.4.3  fastmap_1.1.1       plyr_1.8.9         
[16] jsonlite_1.8.8      Matrix_1.6-4        httr_1.4.7         
[19] rvest_1.0.3         fansi_1.0.6         viridisLite_0.4.2  
[22] scales_1.3.0        codetools_0.2-19    numDeriv_2016.8-1.1
[25] abind_1.4-5         cli_3.6.1           rlang_1.1.2        
[28] munsell_0.5.0       splines_4.3.0       withr_2.5.2        
[31] yaml_2.3.7          tools_4.3.0         nloptr_2.0.3       
[34] metafor_4.4-0       minqa_1.2.6         ggplot2_3.4.4      
[37] colorspace_2.1-0    mathjaxr_1.6-0      webshot_0.5.5      
[40] boot_1.3-28.1       vctrs_0.6.5         R6_2.5.1           
[43] lifecycle_1.0.4     stringr_1.5.1       htmlwidgets_1.6.4  
[46] MASS_7.3-60         pkgconfig_2.0.3     gtable_0.3.4       
[49] pillar_1.9.0        glue_1.6.2          Rcpp_1.0.11        
[52] systemfonts_1.0.5   highr_0.10          xfun_0.41          
[55] tibble_3.2.1        tidyselect_1.2.0    rstudioapi_0.15.0  
[58] knitr_1.45          htmltools_0.5.7     nlme_3.1-164       
[61] igraph_1.5.1        rmarkdown_2.25      svglite_2.1.3      
[64] compiler_4.3.0      metadat_1.2-0      


Baker, William L, Erica L Baker, and Craig I Coleman. 2009. “Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Mixed-Treatment Comparison Meta-Analysis.” Pharmacotherapy 29 (8): 891–905. https://doi.org/10.1592/phco.29.8.891.
Panaccione, Remo, Eric B Collins, Gil Y Melmed, Severine Vermeire, Silvio Danese, Peter D R Higgins, Christina S Kwon, et al. 2023. “Efficacy and Safety of Advanced Therapies for Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis at Induction and Maintenance: An Indirect Treatment Comparison Using Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis.” Crohn’s & Colitis 360 5 (2). https://doi.org/10.1093/crocol/otad009.
Selvarajan, Sandhiya, Annuja Anandaradje, Santhosh Shivabasappa, Deepthy Melepurakkal Sadanandan, N. Sreekumaran Nair, and Melvin George. 2022. “Efficacy of Pharmacological Interventions in COVID-19: A Network Meta-Analysis.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 88 (9): 4080–91. https://doi.org/10.1111/bcp.15338.
Siemieniuk, Reed AC, Jessica J Bartoszko, Dena Zeraatkar, Elena Kum, Anila Qasim, Juan Pablo Dı́az Martinez, Ariel Izcovich, et al. 2020. “Drug Treatments for Covid-19: Living Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.” BMJ, July, m2980. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m2980.