All functions |
Sample Size Estimation via Simulation |
Derive Treatment Allocation Rate (TAR) |
Derive or Assign Arm Names |
Derive Endpoint Names |
Parameter Configuration for Endpoints and Comparators |
Helper function for conditional messages |
plot.simss |
Display the summary results of the sample size estimation |
ptv |
Calculate p-values using t-distribution with Variable Degrees of Freedom |
Sample Size Calculation for Bioequivalence and Multi-Endpoint Studies |
Sample Size Estimation for Multiple Hypothesis Testing Using Mielke's Method |
Generate Simulated Endpoint Data for Parallel Group Design |
test_2x2_dom_cpp |
test_2x2_rom_cpp |
test_par_dom_cpp |
test_par_rom_cpp |
Validate Positive Semi-Definite Matrices |
Check Sample Size Limits |
Validate Treatment Allocation Rate (TAR) |